Gibson Girl

Gibson Girl Instructions

Gibson Girl Instructions

The following steps will take you through the process of a Gibson Girl using Hare Do.

Mist the Hair with Water

Mist the Hair with Water

Mist the hair with water, apply more to the ends.

Comb the hair smooth.

Extend the Hare Do lengthwise and slide the excess fabric (equally) to both ends forming rosettes.

Two Hare Do's are required for this dynamic hair style.

Slide 1st Hare Do Under Hair

Slide 1st Hare Do Under Hair

Slide the first Hare Do underneath the hair and lay on the neck.

Place the second on top of the hair.

Both hands hold the Hare Do's strands together (as one) with the hair place between them.

Hold the Two Strands Together

Hold the Two Strands Together

Both hands grasp the Hare Do's strands together (as one) with the hair placed between them.


Hold both of the Hare Do's strands eight inches from the hair.

As you hold, position the hair in the center of them and hold the strands against the nape of the neck.

Twist Overhanded 1 Time

Twist Overhanded 1 Time

Both hands twist the Hare Do's strands in the same direction (overhand) 1 time clamping the hair.

Twisting Directions:

Hand Position:

Hold the Hare Do's strands eight inches from the hair.

Form loops (holes):

Both hands thumb pushes the bottom strand as the index fingertip pulls the top loop open.


The loops allow the fingers and thumb to twist.

If you pinch the loops (holes) flat the Hare Do's will not work properly.

ReTwist in the Same Direction

ReTwist in the Same Direction

Retwist both of the Hare Do's strands in the same direction (overhand) 1 time clamping the hair.

Twisting Directions:

Hand Position:

Hold the Hare Do's strands eight inches from the hair.

Form loops (holes):

Both hands thumb pushes the bottom strand as the index fingertip pulls the top loop open.


The loops allow the fingers and thumb to twist.

Twisting with three fingers takes a little practice.

Slide Outward

Slide Outward

Both hands slide the two ends away from the head (outward).

Hair Length Outward Direction
Shoulder Blade down (floor)
Middle of Neck down / back
Waist or Longer back / upward


As you slide, maintain tension on the hair by twisting both ends underhand one-eighth of a turn.

Slide the Hare Do as low as you can reach (down and back).

Maintain Hair Tension

Maintain Hair Tension

Both hands slide the two ends away from the head (outward).

Hair Length Outward Direction
Shoulder Blade down (floor)
Middle of Neck down / back
Waist or Longer back / upward


As you slide, maintain tension on the hair by twisting both ends underhand one-eighth of a turn.

Slide the Hare Do as low as you can reach (down and back).

Stop Three Quarters of Hair Length

Stop Three Quarters of Hair Length

Keep sliding and STOP with a quarter of a twist at halfway to three-quarters of the hair length.

Hair Length Outward Direction
Shoulder blade 1/4 from end
Middle of back 1/2 from end
Waist or longer 1/2 from end


As you slide, maintain tension on the hair by twisting both ends underhand one-eighth of a turn.

The lower you slide (down and back) the easier and smoother the hair rolls.

Twist Overhanded

Twist Overhanded

Twist the Hare Do's strands in the same direction (overhand) 1 time rolling the hair.

Twisting Directions:

Hand Position:

Hold the Hare Do's strands eight inches from the hair.

Form loops (holes):

Both hands thumb pushes the bottom strand as the index fingertip pulls the top loop open.


The loops allow the fingers and thumb to twist.

If you pinch the loops (holes) flat the Hare Do's will not work properly.

Retwist Overhanded

Retwist Overhanded

Retwist both strands in the same direction (overhand) 1 time rolling the hair.

Twisting Directions:

Hand Position:

Hold the Hare Do's strands eight inches from the hair.

Form loops (holes):

Both hands thumb pushes the bottom strand as the index fingertip pulls the top loop open.


As you twist, gently pull back on the hair applying tension for a smooth hair roll.

If you pinch the loops (holes) flat the Hare Do's will not work properly.

The loops allow the fingers and thumb to twist.

Keep Retwisting Overhanded

Keep Retwisting Overhanded

Retwist both strands in the same direction (overhand) 1 time rolling the hair.

Twisting Directions:

Hand Position:

Hold the Hare Do's strands eight inches from the hair.

Form loops (holes):

Both hands thumb pushes the bottom strand as the index fingertip pulls the top loop open.


As you twist, gently pull back on the hair applying tension for a smooth hair roll.

If you pinch the loops (holes) flat the Hare Do's will not work properly.

The loops allow the fingers and thumb to twist.

Keep Retwisting Overhanded

Keep Retwisting Overhanded

Retwist both strands in the same direction (overhand) 1 time rolling the hair.

Twisting Directions:

Hand Position:

Hold the Hare Do's strands eight inches from the hair.

Form loops (holes):

Both hands thumb pushes the bottom strand as the index fingertip pulls the top loop open.


As you twist, gently pull back on the hair applying tension for a smooth hair roll.

If you pinch the loops (holes) flat the Hare Do's will not work properly.

The loops allow the fingers and thumb to twist.

Twist Till Tight

Twist Till Tight

Keep twisting both strands and STOP when the hair is rolled tight at the back of your scalp.

Hair Length Number of Twists
Shoulder Blade 3 to 4
Middle of Neck 4 to 6
Waist or Longer 6 to 9


As you twist, pull back on the hair applying tension for a smooth hair roll.

Circle Around Head

Circle Around Head

Both hands lift both rosette ends up and around in a circular motion along both sides of the ears.

Twist 1 Time

Twist 1 Time

Place the rosette strands on the top of the head and secure them with one twist around each other.


The twisted strands form a knot that holds and supports the Gibson Girl.

Lift Up

Lift Up

Both hands lift the Hare Do's up off the hair letting the short (unrolled) hair fall over the face.

Place Back on Head

Place Back on Head

Place the Hare Do's back down on the top of the head.

Tuck Hair Up and Around

Tuck Hair Up and Around

At the left side of the head both hands fingertips tuck the unrolled hair up, over and down the inside of the Hare Do's.


Start tucking the hair at the forehead first as you work you way down past the ears.

After tucking, the hair will feel loose on top of the head.

Don't worry we will repeat this step a number of times.

Tuck Hair Up and Around

Tuck Hair Up and Around

At the right side of the head both hands fingertips tuck the unrolled hair up, over and down the inside of the Hare Do's.


Start tucking the hair at the forehead first as you work you way down past the ears.

After tucking, the hair will feel loose on top of the head.

Don't worry we will repeat this step a number of times.

Retwist to Secure

Retwist to Secure

Both hands fingers retwist the Hare Do's one half twist on top of the head.

Retuck Hair Up and Around

Retuck Hair Up and Around

At the left side of the head both hands fingertips retuck the hair down the inside of the Hare Do's.


Retuck the hair at the forehead first as you work you way down past the ears.

Notice the difference on how the hair is firmly securing itself around the Hare Do's.

Retuck Hair Up and Around

Retuck Hair Up and Around

At the right side of the head both hands fingertips retuck the hair down the inside of the Hare Do's.


Retuck the hair at the forehead first as you work you way down past the ears.

Notice the difference on how the hair is firmly securing itself around the Hare Do's.

Retwist to Secure

Retwist to Secure

Retwist the Hare Do's one half twist on top of the head.

Retuck Hair Up and Around

Retuck Hair Up and Around

Finish tucking the hair down the inside of the Hare Do's.


Start retucking from the forehead first as you work you way down past the ears.

Retuck Hair

Retuck Hair

Finish tucking the hair down the inside of the Hare Do's.


Start retucking from the forehead first as you work you way down past the ears.

Untwist Rosette Ends

Untwist Rosette Ends

Untwist the rosette ends to straight them.

Scrunch the Rosette End

Scrunch the Rosette End

Hold the strands firmly against the head as the other hand starts rolling the tips of the right rosette in a tight ball on top of the head.

Scrunch the Rosette End

Scrunch the Rosette End

Finish rolling the tips of the right rosette in a tight ball on top of the head.

Notice this makes a decorative bow on top of the head.

Scrunch the Rosette End

Scrunch the Rosette End

Hold the strands firmly against the head as the other hand starts rolling the tips of the left rosette in a tight ball toward the head.

Scrunch the Rosette End

Scrunch the Rosette End

Finish rolling the tips of the left rosette in a tight ball toward the head.

Notice this makes a decorative bow on top of the head.

Reposition the Bows

Reposition the Bows


Reposition the rosettes (bow) on top of the head covering the knot that holds and supports the Gibson Girl.


Hold the rosettes against the head as you insert bobby pins clamping the Hare Do's strands to the hair underneath the rosettes.

Your Done!

Your Done!

Congratulations you have now created the Gibson Girl!


This precious victorian hair style has the right appeal for that special wedding or church.